Father forgive me for I have sinned. It has been 6 months since my last blog. Between being a mom, a teacher, a wife, and a naturally tired person I let the blog slide by the wayside. I have been keeping a journal for Sadie and that has taken precedence over anything else. I really want to write at least one entry a week though and that is my goal (resolution) for 2010. I know it's not as exciting or demanding as cooking everything in the Julia Child Cookbook but hey, that's just the way it is.
Back in June I had planned to write out the story of Sadie's dramatic entrance into the world and then blog about all her milestones as she reached them. Since I never got around to any of that I will start at the beginning and, over the next few days, try and catch up to where Sadie is now...six months old!
Let us begin:
The following is a condensed (and non-graphic) summary of June 22nd 2009.
It had been a long and grueling 9 months. The Thursday before that fateful Monday my doctor told me he would be surprised if I didn't make it to my due date because there was no progress at all. That was unacceptable to me so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I read about some accupressure points that would induce contractions. I don't know much about accupressure but I figured...what the heck. The next morning, the contractions started. They weren't really noteworthy until Sunday though. We clocked them at about 7-10 minutes apart. They were consistent but not really painful so I took a walk, a nap, and spent the evening relaxing in the pool with my mom. At about 12:00 a.m. the contractions weren't really that painful yet but they were coming every 3-5 minutes so we headed to the hospital. I won't get too deep into the next four hours but I'm not exaggerating when I say they were the worst four hours of the entire pregnancy. Strapped to a monitor, stuck on my side, freezing room, snarky 12 year old nurse who forced me to drink three giant glasses of ice water to "stop the false labor", and contractions that were starting to smart quite a bit.
At 4:30 it was decided that I was in false labor so they gave me an Ambien, patted me on the head and sent me home whilst shaking their heads at the silly first time mom who cleary didn't know what real labor was.
5:00 a.m. I lay down to sleep and get hit by a pain so hard I couldn't even see straight. I tried to get my glasses off the nightstand and my hands were shaking so bad I knocked everything onto the floor. In tears I called the hospital and they told me to take a warm bath then go back to bed. So I did what any full grown woman would do...I called my mommy in tears. We went to my parents house where I took the warm bath (didn't help..go figure) and spent the next few hours on my hands and knees in tears. We left for the hospital again at 7:00 because we knew there would be a shift change in nurses. I should note that I really wanted to get to the hospital so I could get the epidural because I didn't think I could handle the labor if it got any worse. Unbeknownst to my, I was in hard labor and that was a bad as it was going to get.
We arrived at the hospital at 8:00 and Sadie was born at 8:42. There was a moment of panic when I was told I was too far along to get an epidural but then it all happened so fast, all the sudden she was there and the pain was gone, even now I can't recall what it felt like.
Sadie Holcomb Fryar is in the world! As wonderful as that moment was, it just keeps getting better.
Stay tuned for the next entry: The Newborn Stage: A.K.A. Trial by Fire.